Ready to Fight Climate Change?

  • Transportation โ€” 7 tons

    Includes personal vehicles, air travel, and public transportation.

  • Home Energy Use โ€” 3 tons

    Includes electricity for lights, appliances, and electronics, as well as heating and cooling costs.

  • Food โ€” 2 tons

    Animal agriculture, processing, and transportation all contribute to your food's carbon footprint.

  • Goods โ€” 2 tons

    The production of everything you buy, from clothes and electronics to food packaging and furniture.

  • Services โ€” 2 tons

    Services ranging from entertainment to communications to landscaping all greatly impact your carbon footprint.

  • TOTAL = 16 tons!

    That's a lot of CO2 that's not going anywhere any time soon. But there's action you can take today...

While reducing your own carbon footprint is critical, CO2 emissions are still an unavoidable reality for most of us.

Help us cool Earth

We hope youโ€™ll join our journey by purchasing a cooling credit, signing up for our newsletter, or partnering with us. Let's work together to cool our planet for future generations.