Pricing Cooling Credits

Preise für Kühlguthaben

Das Folgende ist ein Gastbeitrag von Ron Baiman.

Hallo allerseits,

Ich bin ein Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, der in der Klimaforschung und in Politikbereichen tätig ist. Make Sunsets hat mich eingeladen, einen Gastblog zum Thema zu schreiben: „Wie sollten Kühlguthaben im Laufe der Zeit bepreist werden, um extreme Kühlung zu vermeiden, die „die Welt einfrieren“ würde?“ Ich freue mich, dies zu tun, da ich glaube, dass das, was Make Sunsets tut, eine direkte Antwort auf die dringendste Klimaherausforderung ist, vor der die Menschheit in unserer Zeit steht.

Meine erste Antwort auf die Frage, die mir gestellt wurde, ist, dass wir uns in dieser Angelegenheit alle entspannen sollten. Trotz Snowpiercer besteht keine Gefahr, dass das, was Make Sunsets tut, die Welt einfrieren wird! Make Sunsets hat Ballons gestartet, die bei jedem Start weniger als 10 Gramm SO2 in die Höhe treiben, und Lukes sorgfältige Berechnungen , die auf einer Reihe von Schätzungen in der Literatur basieren, deuten darauf hin, dass dafür etwa ein Terragramm (eine Billion Gramm) SO2 in der Stratosphäre benötigt würde. Es sind mehr als 100 Milliarden Make Sunsets-Starts erforderlich , um über einen Zeitraum von 2,1 Jahren eine Abkühlung von etwa 0,217 °C zu erreichen!

Meine zweite und wichtigere Antwort auf diese Frage ist, dass das Einfrieren des Planeten wahrscheinlich in den nächsten hundert Jahren oder länger eine irrelevante Frage sein wird. Dies liegt daran, dass in Ermangelung direkter Gegenmaßnahmen zur Abkühlung des Klimas, wie sie Make Sunsets versucht, aktuelle Modellierungen darauf hindeuten, dass die globalen Temperaturen mindestens 50 Jahre lang nicht sinken werden, nachdem die (vom Menschen erzeugten und natürlich verursachten) Netto-Null-THG-Emissionen erreicht werden erreicht. Und was noch besorgniserregender ist: Ein aktueller Entwurf eines Papiers von James Hansen (dem Klimawissenschaftler, der 1988 den US-Senat vor dem Klimawandel warnte ) und seinen Mitautoren legt nahe, dass 7-10 Grad Celsius bereits in der Pipeline sein könnten , selbst wenn die Treibhausgaswerte eingefroren wären auf dem Niveau von 2022.

Die relevante Frage ist also die umgekehrte.

Wie sollten Kühlgutschriften bepreist werden, um den Planeten direkt zu kühlen und kühl zu halten, auch wenn die Netto-positiven globalen Emissionen aufgehört haben, während wir an der grundlegenderen Herausforderung der Reduzierung und Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen arbeiten, um unser Klima zu stabilisieren und die Natur auf unserem Planeten zu regenerieren? auf lange Sicht?

Antwort: So niedrig wie möglich, damit so schnell wie möglich möglichst viele gekauft werden!

Aber Luke und Andrew müssen nicht verhungern. Die Credits sollten so bepreist werden, dass Make Sunsets und andere private und öffentliche Initiativen zur direkten Klimakühlung gedeihen und unseren Planeten schnell abkühlen können!

Ron Baiman

Ron Baiman ist außerordentlicher Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Benedictine University in Lisle, IL, außerhalb von Chicago. Er ist Gründer und Mitglied des Lenkungskreises der Healthy Planet Action Coalition sowie Gründer der Chicago Political Economy Group , wo Vorabdrucke seiner neuesten Arbeiten zum Klimawandel (veröffentlicht im Review of Radical Political Economics) zu finden sind.

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Thank you both for your responses. Robert, I appreciate your more detailed discussion of cooling credits. As implied in my blog post, I believe that these make sense and can be reasonably estimated for direct climate cooling efforts like that of Make Sunsets. This is because Stratospheric Aerosol Injection is very high leverage, and in mid-latitudes is a “public good” in the sense that its cooling impact is (as far as I know) roughly the same regardless of location. As you point out, this is not the case for most other direct climate cooling methods which makes general direct climate cooling credit estimation for them much more difficult, though location specific cooling credit estimation may still be possible for some. BTW, since I’m responding, let me note an important clarification to my guest blog post. The recent Hansen et al. draft paper is suggesting that if GHG does not change from its current level, 7-10 C warming may be in the pipeline over the long term. This is not the same as current net-zero that would lead to a decline in short-term and then long-term GHG over time from natural fall out.
Ron Baiman

Ron Baiman

Thank you for all you do! I hope you get all the funding you need.

Rayna “Rae” Vergara

Dear Ron
Here is a comment on Radiative Forcing Credits that I wrote in January, published at
Rationale for Radiative Forcing Credits
Discussion Note: Robert Tulip
16 January 2023

Government funding to mitigate climate change should be targeted to the most efficient ways to prevent warming. The actions that will most effectively achieve that goal involve brightening the planet through albedo enhancement to cut Radiative Forcing (RF). If the purpose of funding is solely to mitigate climate change (as distinct from pollution control and other environmental issues), governments should not pretend that actions will have major effect to mitigate global warming when the evidence for the claim is weak.

Radiative Forcing Credits, also termed Cooling Credits, require analysis of the impact of an action on RF in watts per square metre. Government subsidies for preventing warming should be primarily measured on that basis. Cooling Credits have been controversially claimed by Making Sunsets, using helium and sulphur balloons, indicating the need for strong and effective governance to regulate this concept.

An example of how RF credits could work is that companies could offset the warming effect of their emissions by obtaining RF credits to refreeze the Arctic. This offset makes sense in terms of cooling by serving the goal of Net Zero Heating, as a potentially more feasible and practical and effective near-term climate policy goal than Net Zero Emissions. Equal and opposite cooling forcing should be a target to balance warming, in order to sustain Holocene conditions of sea level and biodiversity and to mitigate extreme weather. RF Credits should be discussed by economists and climate scientists to assess how they could provide a superior incentive to prevent global warming than carbon credits.

Uncertainties of RF impact to define credits can be taken into account by a conservative approach to valuation. Albedo based cooling approaches can only approximately calculate their climate impact. One option, to help integrate RF credits with carbon credits, might be to give carbon-based approaches extra weight in view of the many benefits of cutting greenhouse gases beyond the immediate effect on temperature.

There is a large order of magnitude superiority of Cooling Return On Investment from Albedo Enhancement compared to Greenhouse Gas Removal. Let’s say SRM could cut the temperature by 2°C for an ongoing annual cost of USD $40 billion (cf Wake Smith). Achieving that same temperature cut with GGR at a cost of $10 per tonne of CO2e – with long term removal – would have to remove about two trillion tonnes of CO2e, at a cost of $20 trillion. That would equal the SRM cost for 500 years. My view is this is a conservative comparison, and the reality is likely to be more in favour of SRM.

The GGR result might take 100 years to achieve, whereas MacMartin argues SAI could deliver this temperature cut in 50 years, not including Marine Cloud Brightening and other technologies. With political agreement, cooling by AE could be deployed quickly, preventing tipping points, a key point that is ignored by opponents of AE. If a sudden Arctic methane release caused ten billion tonnes of CO2e to enter the atmosphere, that would outweigh all practical GGR, causing accelerating feedbacks. This and other tipping points could possibly be prevented by the annual investment in AE, which therefore has a major security and stability benefit.

Relying just on the carbon-based cooling methods of GGR seems a bit like leaving your house wide open, whereas AE provides a precautionary security prevention, a bit like locking your doors. Medically, the analogy could be that AE is like pills for blood pressure or cholesterol, whereas GGR is like diet and exercise. If you are in bad shape, it is no use complaining that you ignored the recommended drug treatments after you have a heart attack.

This large difference in effect and purpose means the difficulty of calculation is less relevant. If the difference is large enough then a generous approach to carbon-based approaches would still be commercially competitive for albedo approaches.

My view is that credits have to be calculated and well governed by an independent international organisation. Brightening the planet has to be established on a similar governance basis as the Bretton Woods Institutions, not on a national or commercial basis but with a management system like the IMF or World Bank that is able to regulate these issues.

Cooling credits can become the key to unlock funding for planetary brightening by placing concepts in the financial context that key stakeholders are concerned about, generating attention through business opportunities. Scientific cooling proposals need a revenue stream based on clear measurement. Discussion with Venture Capital companies could generate revenue streams reasonably quickly by defining ways to make money and drive it forward. Involving big corporates can serve the goal of cooling the planet. Engaging with the corporate world to commercialise albedo enhancement has to include the scientific and academic community, to respect the need for review and transparency.

Exclusion of the fossil fuel industry confuses the agenda. Despite their power to corrupt the process through conflicts of interest, they also have resources, contacts, interests and people to physically implement cooling technologies. A Grand Bargain could involve payment to brighten the planet in exchange for a slower trajectory toward decarbonisation.

Experience with spurious carbon offsets shows need for a well regulated system. Sustainability of many carbon credits is weak, for example in forestry. Eligibility for RF credits should involve more objective quantification.

Dr Ye Tao of defined Cooling Return On Investment as “the ratio in energy in the form of heat that is removed from the Earth system per “input” of energy humans have used to create that cooling, […with the purpose to quantify] how effective at cooling the Earth any proposed climate solution is.” Dr Tao commented: “Exact calculations of cooling credit is far from trivial, for both carbon and albedo based approaches. …local feedback such as changes in upwelling IR and heat, and how the changes impact energy balance at the TOA need to be understood. Currently, this area of science is pretty much blank….We need to promote the establishment an international bureau of standards dedicated for such tasks. Such a bureau would need to develop the science and monitoring capability in close collaboration with national and international centers with remote sensing and in situ monitoring networks (to be established).”

The work by the International Organisation for Standardisation on a Standard for RF offers some helpful thinking in support of these proposals.

Robert Tulip

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