Make Sunsets Monthly: So High

Make Sunsets Monthly: So High

[We originally sent the following to our mailing list subscribers 5/31/23. Added to website 6/18/23.]

Cash In Bank: $1,026,581 
Burn: $19,561
Runway: ~45 months

This month, we broke our height record... three times. We joined the Draper Venture Network in Half Moon Bay and deployed Cooling Credits at 27,000 meters. Later this month, we beat this x 2: at 32,514 then 34,258 meters, these were our first 2 launches to break 100,000 feet. We captured video of our highest burst yet.

Telemetry is good not great: our height and reliability are somewhere between an airplane and a rocket. We'll continue to experiment, but we can now track our flights in the air and see where they land... usually. 

We achieved our goal of doubling sales and then some with $6,865 this month. We launched our redesigned website after conducting 1-on-1 customer interviews and roundtables to understand why people buy Cooling Credits. Check it out and let us know what you think!

This month, we will:
Start on a sulfur dioxide chamber separate from balloon
Improve balloon recoverability
Double sales (again!)
Experiment with direct-to-consumer advertising

And! Tim Draper joined as an investor and geoengineer. We didn't know it was possible, but Tim's enthusiasm has made us even more excited to Cool Earth!

How you can help: several friends have told us they'd buy Cooling Credits if they could do so in a way that's tax-deductible. We want to quantify this: if you'd purchase more (or place your first order) through a charity, please let us know. For that matter: all ideas welcome. Raffles, celebrity endorsements, ice bucket challenges: what experiments do you think we should run?

Kilometers Above On Cloud Nine,
Andrew and Luke

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1 Kommentar

Brilliant, well done guys !


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