Make Sunsets Monthly: Unregulated

Make Sunsets Monthly: Unregulated

[We originally sent the following to our mailing list subscribers 6/30/24. Added to website 7/4/24.]

Revenue: $5,364
Burn: $21,766
Cash: $909,232
Runway: ~31 months

Senior citizens arguing over golfold people yelling at clouds, and the gutting of U.S. federal regulatory power should make one thing crystal clear: we can't rely on the government for bold, sustained climate action. No wonder some folks are throwing paint at planes and nobody's believing the ESG marketing. Just thinking about the state of the world makes us want to launch more clouds. In the San Francisco area? Reply to join us in-person!

Some progress on sensors: we don't crash the plane a majority of flights, and the individual subsystems all work. Lots of literal and figurative duct-taping to do, but we will get there. Telemetry, too: our latest lora beacon works well. We'll have redundant data links on all our regular launches now.

Andrew got 2/5 “niche famous” posts/talks which resulted in $350 of attributable sales. He also demoed at Edge Esmeralda and minted some young geoengineers (latex balloons, calcium carbonate).

Kiran’s first day on the job was pitching Make Sunsets till he lost his voice aboard an aircraft carrier where we minted ~100 more geoengineers:

This month, we will:
Drop a plane from the stratosphere and get it back (finally!)
-Close 2 “cool your compute" corporate clients
Get 5 more “niche famous” posts leading to +$5K in sales

Regularly making clouds because of you, 
Andrew, Kiran, and Luke

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