Make Sunsets Monthly: Mexico

Make Sunsets Monthly: Mexico

[We originally sent the following to our mailing list subscribers 1/31/23. Added to website 3/22/23.]

Cash In Bank: $640,390
Burn: $30,459
Runway: 21 months

We didn't expect to start 2023 with a shoutout from the Mexican government, but that's what happened. Media ensued, again. 

This is a setback. As per our statement, we want enthusiastic partners for our launches. Hence, we didn't hit our "3 launches in January" goal. We'll find a country happy to have us launch. If we can't do this soon, we'll launch from the U.S. 

Some good news: we've gotten 35 orders for Cooling Credits! We're blown away by this support, and we're flat-out humbled that none have taken us up on our offer to refund given the delays. None of these customers are companies: all are individuals who believe in our mission.  Here is a message from Kevin T. in Austin, Texas:

At some point almost everyone will learn about reflective particles as a possible cooling method. How can they stop there? The answer: "They can't." We, as humans, have a thirst for knowledge. They will have to ask that next logical question: "Well, is anyone doing this now?"

So, we're doubling down on finding individuals to buy Cooling Credits. Andrew's goal is 100 new customers in February, and he's shooting for 1,000 by end of April. If someone can do it, he's the guy.

Luke will be launching; if this has to be from Slab City, so be it. The particles won't be as effective, but we'll launch more. Should the state of California issue a press release "banning" us, the ocean is a big place;)

How to help? Buy a Credit and tell your friends. We promise this is among the most interesting ways you can spend $10. 

Balloons and Believers,
Andrew and Luke

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