Make Sunsets Monthly: Hot August Days

Make Sunsets Monthly: Hot August Days

[We originally sent the following to our mailing list subscribers 8/31/23. Added to website 9/15/23.]

Cash In Bank: $941,091
Burn: $34,476
Runway: ~27 months

August was exciting, as usual. We swam across part of the Sacramento delta and hacked through blackberry brambles to try and recover a balloon's camera. We were successful in recovering another camera and captured beautiful video.

Sales were $9,413 this month, our biggest yet. $1,078 of that was monthly recurring revenue. We spent $7,334 on Google Ads and got 21 new customers generating $1,783 in sales. This month, Andrew will work on lowering the cost per acquisition to under $100 and close a corporate client.

We did one test flight of our planned 'return to home' flight platform, and a friend made real progress at a solar-electric alternative that could remove our need for balloons entirely. Both are exciting and much more complicated than we thought. They'll remain longer-term goals. Likewise on grants: we'll put in more time applying for several this month.

This month, we will:

Speak in front of at least 200 people about the urgency of geoengineering
Recruit at least 50 new geoengineers
Close a corporate customer
Generate a case study

Balloons and believers,

Andrew and Luke

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