Make Sunsets Monthly: 3 Launches

Make Sunsets Monthly: 3 Launches

[We originally sent the following to our mailing list subscribers 2/28/23. Added to website 3/22/23.]

Cash In Bank: $583,041
Burn: $69,350
Runway: ~12 months

We completed 3 launches this month. More details here, and a nice summary from CNBC. Our favorite photo from the onboard camera:

In March, Luke will get telemetry working rock-solid. And, we'll switch from our slow, low-yield, DIY sulfur dioxide generation to an industrial supply: open valve, add SO2. By end of month, we'll be able to launch meaningful quantities of our clouds and confirm height of deployment to within a few meters.

For the month of February, Andrew was tasked to find 100 customers to buy cooling credits. Primarily by direct messaging followers on Twitter and LinkedIn, he was able to convert 25 customers. While he fell short on quantity of customers, number of credits sold was healthy: 1,087 Cooling Credits, representing $1,591 (we successfully experimented with discounts).

In March, Andrew will double sales, redesign the website with a team of designers, and organize a virtual meeting to learn from our customers.

How to help? We want launch sites excited to see us. Does your community want to perform a hopeful balloon launch for Earth Day (or before)? If so, please reach out.

Launching with 0 missiles,
Andrew and Luke

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