

Make Sunsets was founded to cool the world. We are aware that technological efforts to cool climate include significant risks and require research and governance and we care a great deal about this. 

We appreciate the Mexican government’s concern for protecting communities and the natural environment and support their call for scientific expertise and oversight of climate intervention activities. We also appreciate their concern for national and local engagement and regret that we had failed to take this into consideration sooner.  

We agree that there are no alternative technologies that replace the need to reduce emissions to remediate climate change. We also see that the negative and unequal impacts of climate change are growing, and we hope to encourage the world to consider whether technological interventions have the potential to help.

We look forward to the work of the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) to ensure the rigorous review of scientific research in this field. As such, Make Sunsets will share all information about its activities in Mexico to date (if any) with Conacyt and other responsible agencies, and will follow the strategy for scientific research being developed by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat). Until that strategy is defined, Make Sunsets will cease operations in Mexico (if there were any) and review our approach

We need people and governments everywhere to understand the urgency of the climate crisis if they're going to support the drastic measures needed. To that end, we have donated $2,500 to the Climate Emergency Fund.

Edit 2/21: 
The last paragraph previously read:
"Given the importance and urgency of these decisions, it is critical that they are informed by the best possible science. To that end, we are donating $2,500 to the Inter-American Institute of Global Change Research to support research on understanding the possibilities for these technological interventions to improve safety in a warming world."

However, the IAI declined to accept our donation: "the IAI is not involved in SRM research and, accordingly, it is not in a position to receive such grants."  


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Lol is that image from Midjourney


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